Vue West End is reopening its doors for corporate events following months of closure due to COVID-19.
In order to ensure the safety and reassurance of staff, event planners and delegates, Vue West End is adhering to strict new measures in its venue’s meeting spaces. Guests are required to wear a face mask at all times, unless eating and drinking, and a sign-posted one-way directional flow system has been implemented to control interaction throughout the venue.
Hand sanitiser has been made available around the building and enhanced cleaning measures have been implemented, including staff training to confidently deliver the new protocols.
Floor planners are provided to event organisers in order to allocate guest seats, and Vue safety team members are on hand to assist with managing the guests exit for breaks and departure.
Individual microphones are supplied to all necessary speakers, so nobody has to share, reducing shared touch-points wherever possible. Catering has been reassessed to offer lunch bags, canapés and bento boxes for individual consumption.